274 research outputs found

    Going international to the united arab emirates

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    Classificação: M00, M160The objective of the thesis is to describe the process of internationalization of three Portuguese companies into the market of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in general and the Emirate of Dubai in particular and to explore the reason for the differences in the internationalization process of the companies. The companies addressed by the thesis were Gelpeixe, Quidgest and Enouida. Although the three companies already possess some international presence and experience, they are eager to explore business opportunities in new emerging markets. The study applied the analyses of internationalization process concepts and theory, the target market characteristics, the three companies’ profiles, international objectives and product/ service particularities as well as a data qualitative analysis provided by a few Portuguese companies with operations in the UAE. The findings in this thesis show that the internationalization strategy of a company is assumed to depend upon internal and external factors such as a company´s different level of international experience and objectives, different business sectors and characteristics of its products or services and particular target market conditions and requirements. Although the three companies share similar internationalization objectives the findings suggests different market entry strategies for each company, namely, direct export with an agency agreement, wholly owned branch and franchise. Regarding the companies internationalization objectives and the target market characteristics each market entry strategy entails specific steps which each company is advised to follow in order to raise the chances of success in terms of market entry and future development starting from a moderate risky approach to a more committed local presence.A tese tem como objectivo descrever o processo de internacionalização de três empresas portuguesas para o mercado dos Emiratos Árabes Unidos (EAU) em geral e do Emirato do Dubai em particular e explorar a razão pela qual existem diferenças nos processos de internacionalização entre as empresas. As empresas alvo de análise na tese foram a Gelpeixe, a Quidgest e a Enouida. As três empresas já possuem alguma experiência e presença internacional e continuam a desenvolver esforços na busca de oportunidades de negócio para explorar em novos mercados emergentes. A realização do estudo envolveu a análise de diversos conceitos e teorias sobre processos de internacionalização, características do mercado alvo, perfil e objectivos de internacionalização das empresas, particularidades dos produtos/ serviços das empresas bem como uma análise qualitativa sobre a informação obtida através de empresas portuguesas com actividade nos EAU. A tese permitiu entender que a estratégia de internacionalização de uma empresa deverá depender de factores internos e externos tais como os diferentes níveis de experiência internacional e objectivos da empresa, diferentes sectores de negócio, características dos produtos/ serviços e em particular das condições e requisitos do mercado alvo. Apesar das três empresas partilharem objectivos de internacionalização idênticos foi possível identificar diferentes estratégias de entrada no mercado para cada uma das empresas nomeadamente, exportação directa através de acordo de agência, subsidiária detida totalmente pela empresa mãe e franchising. Considerando os objectivos de internacionalização de cada empresa e as características do mercado alvo foi delineada uma estratégia de entrada para cada empresa que começará por uma aproximação de risco moderado até atingir uma posição local com maior grau de compromisso. Cada estratégia inclui um conjunto de passos que se aconselha serem seguidos por forma a maximizar o sucesso de entrada no mercado e assegurar um crescimento sustentável

    Florestas e lutas por reconhecimento: território, identidades e direitos na Mata Atlântica brasileira

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    O artigo trata de como a constituição pública, no Brasil, de categorias legais – e socialmente reconhecidas – beneficiárias de direitos especiais, tais como populações tradicionais e comunidades quilombolas, produziu o acesso de múltiplas noções identitárias entre moradores de uma área florestal da Mata Atlântica do Estado de São Paulo. Esta reelaboração identitária consiste numa acomodação de suas lutas por reconhecimento às categorias legais. Como conclusão, diagnostica-se que o acesso a categorias especiais de direitos que buscam o reconhecimento das particularidades (direito à diferença) acaba por constituir uma maneira paradoxal de busca por reconhecimento de padrões mínimos de cidadania (direito à igualdade) historicamente negados a tais grupos

    Ethnography of the landscape : nature, culture and hibridism in Southeastern Brazil

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    Orientador: Mauro William Barbosa de AlmeidaTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias HumanasResumo: Esta pesquisa usa a categoria ¿paisagem¿ como forma de proceder uma análise que integre o natural e o social. Paisagem é um recorte espacial arbitrário que é produzido por práticas de sentido. Analiso a paisagem produzida por pesquisadores de um projeto de pesquisa do qual fiz parte, ¿Biodiversidade e processos sociais em São Luiz do Paraitinga¿ e, em um mesmo recorte espacial, a paisagem produzida por habitantes locais. Procuro pôr em relação ambas as paisagens etnografadas olhando para pontos em comum e dissonâncias entre as redes constituídas, refletindo sobre o status dos conhecimentos produzidos. A noção de ¿hibridismo¿ é útil aí para caracterizar tanto os conhecimentos estudados quanto a operação de composição por mim realizada, batizada de ¿mosaico etnográfico¿. Mostro ainda o surgimento de híbridos de natureza e cultura nas paisagens (de pesquisadores, moradores e na paisagem composta), contrariando operações de purificação que organizam as práticas de sentidoAbstract: This research uses the category landscape to analyze a spacial patch defined by the observer. We use this category to integrate cultural and natural issues. We analyze ethnographicaly the landscape produced by researchers engaged in the project ¿Biodiversity and social processes in São Luiz do Paraitinga¿ and, in the same space, the landscape produced by local people. Then we put into relation both landscapes looking at ressemblances and differences between the networks that produce these landscapes, considering the status of the knowledge produced. The notion of hybridism is useful to characterize both the knowledges produced by people and the operation of composition I¿ve proceeded, the ethnographic mosaic. We also show the emergence of hybrids of nature and culture in the landscape, against the operation of purification that organize the practices of meaningDoutoradoCiencias SociaisDoutor em Ciências Sociai


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    N° ISBN - 978-2-7380-1284-5International audienceThe aim of this paper is to discuss the status of knowledge production on agricultural landscapes. We present two case studies, the countryside of São Luiz do Paraitinga (Upper Paraíba do Sul River, São Paulo State, Southeastern Brazil), and Belfort village (Marechal Thaumaturgo, Upper Juruá River, Acre state, Western Brazilian Amazon). The cases described show that the notion of hybridism can be applied in two ways to the production of knowledge: a hybridism of references which criteria for comparison are based on pragmatic agreements and partial connection; and a hybridism of nature-cultures in which humans and non-humans make up heterogeneous networks that reconfigure over time


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    Este trabalho analisa depoimentos orais e narrativas de memórias, através dos quais alguns homens de letras, que viveram a juventude em Teresina, nas primeiras décadas do século XX, relatam suas trajetórias de vida marcadas pelo processo de escolarização, e pela busca de estreitar os laços com a cultura escrita e com as sociabilidades urbanas


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    O texto aborda as vivências masculinas no Piauí do século XIX, com base na análise de textos literários, historiográficos e narrativas de memória acerca das práticas cotidianas da sociedade rural e pecuarista local. Os relatos vislumbram figuras masculinas; os escritos recriam personagens, registram trajetórias da infância, mocidade e vida adulta. Nos registros, os homens surgem com identidades múltiplas: traquinas, aprendizes, homens que tocam suas atividades produtivas e preservam as tradições familiares; acostumados a dificuldades, sem medo de matar nem enfrentar a morte. Nosso objetivo é perceber como as masculinidades foram vistas pela literatura e pela história

    Cancer stem cells in prostate cancer: implications for targeted therapy

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    Prostate cancer (PCa) is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in men and the second most common cause of cancer-related mortality among men in the developed world. Conventional anti-PCa therapies include surgery, radiation, hormonal ablation, and chemotherapy. Despite increasing efforts, these therapies are not effective for patients with advanced and/or metastatic disease. In most cases, cancer therapies fail due to an incomplete depletion of tumor cells, resulting in tumor relapse. The cancer stem cell (CSC) hypothesis is an emerging model that explains many of the molecular characteristics of oncological disease as well as the tendency of cancers to relapse, metastasize, and develop resistance to conventional therapies. CSCs are a reservoir of cancer cells that exhibit properties of self-renewal and the ability to reestablish the heterogeneous tumor cell population. The existence of PCa stem cells offers a theoretical explanation for many uncertainties regarding PCa and also for treatment resistance and disease progression once clinical cure is achieved. Therapies targeting CSCs might therefore lead to more effective cancer treatments, divergent from a traditional anti-proliferative approach, based on tumor bulk reduction accompanied by CSC-specific inhibition. Here, we focus on reviewing the historical perspective as well as concepts regarding stem cells and CSCs in PCa. In addition, we will report possible strategies and new clinical approaches that address the CSC-based concept of tumorigenesis in PCa. (C) 2017 S. Karger AG, Base

    Planeamento e aumento da capacidade de produção de rolhas técnicas e aglomeradas

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    Estágio realizado na Amorim & Irmãos, S.A. e orientado pelo Eng.º Rui CastanheiraTese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Industrial e Gestão. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Roadmap of DNA methylation in breast cancer identifies novel prognostic biomarkers

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    Background Breast cancer is a highly heterogeneous disease resulting in diverse clinical behaviours and therapeutic responses. DNA methylation is a major epigenetic alteration that is commonly perturbed in cancers. The aim of this study is to characterize the relationship between DNA methylation and aberrant gene expression in breast cancer. Methods We analysed DNA methylation and gene expression profiles from breast cancer tissue and matched normal tissue in The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA). Genome-wide differential methylation analysis and methylation-gene expression correlation was performed. Gene expression changes were subsequently validated in the METABRIC dataset. The Oncoscore tool was used to identify genes that had previously been associated with cancer in the literature. A subset of genes that had not previously been studied in cancer was chosen for further analysis. Results We identified 368 CpGs that were differentially methylated between tumor and normal breast tissue (∆β > 0.4). Hypermethylated CpGs were overrepresented in tumor tissue and were found predominantly (56%) in upstream promoter regions. Conversely, hypomethylated CpG sites were found primarily in the gene body (66%). Expression analysis revealed that 209 of the differentially-methylated CpGs were located in 169 genes that were differently expressed between normal and breast tumor tissue. Methylation-expression correlations were predominantly negative (70%) for promoter CpG sites and positive (74%) for gene body CpG sites. Among these differentially-methylated and differentially-expressed genes, we identified 7 that had not previously been studied in any form of cancer. Three of these, TDRD10, PRAC2 and TMEM132C, contained CpG sites that showed diagnostic and prognostic value in breast cancer, particularly in estrogen-receptor (ER)-positive samples. A pan-cancer analysis confirmed differential expression of these genes together with diagnostic and prognostic value of their respective CpG sites in multiple cancer types. Conclusion We have identified 368 DNA methylation changes that characterize breast cancer tumor tissue, of which 209 are associated with genes that are differentially-expressed in the same samples. Novel DNA methylation markers were identified, of which cg12374721 (PRAC2), cg18081940 (TDRD10) and cg04475027 (TMEM132C) show promise as diagnostic and prognostic markers in breast cancer as well as other cancer types.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio